
Tgl. 11 Juli 2013

Penerapan Pendekatan Ilmiah Dalam Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris SMP

Expected competence By the end of this session, you are able to develop a lesson plan applying scientific approach based on your students ...

Ekspektasi Pohon

Expected competence

By the end of this session, you are able to develop a lesson plan applying scientific approach based on your students characteristics include physical, ethical, social, cultural and intellectual aspect.



  1. How do you formulate your lesson aims?
  2. How do you start and end a lesson?
  3. How do you stimulate the higher order of thinking in the classroom?
  4. What is scientific approach? And how do you integrate it in your lesson?


Put these statements in order of importance

We write aims because:

  1. our school Principal wants to see aims in our lesson plans.
  2. students need to be told the focus of the lesson.
  3. it helps us plan a logical lesson.
  4. if we have an aim, it is easier to test our students achievement at the end of the lesson.
  5. it is useful for self-evaluation.
  6. an observer can more easily judge our lesson.
  7. it looks professional.


Formulate a Possible Aim for this Lesson Outline

I’m starting by showing a photograph of my new friend. Then I’m going to ask my students to ask me questions about him, e.g. who s/he is, where s/he is from, where s/he lives, etc. After that, I’d like them to draw a picture of a friend and do a similar question and answer task but with their partner.


Five Question to Ask about Lesson Aims

  1. Coverage
    Do students understand what they are doing?
  2. Activities
    Do students understand why they’re doing the activity?
    Do students understand the others for good work?
  3. Involvement
    Are the students learning, or just having fun?
  4. Thinking skills
    Have these skills been taught or just practiced?
  5. Mastery
    What will students be able to the end of the lesson?


Krathwohl's Affective Domain Taxonomy

Krathwohl's Affective Domain Taxonomy


Bloom’s Taxonomy

Bloom’s Taxonomy is a multi-tiered model of classifying thinking by six cognitive levels of complexity. First created in the 1950’s, Bloom’s Taxonomy was revised in the 1990’s in an attempt to make it more relevant for 21st century students and teachers.

Bloom’s Taxonomy


Relate the steps to Krathwohl's and Bloom’s taxonomy!

  1. Discussions of controversial issues with an open mind.
  2. Participating in team problem-solving activities.
  3. Analyzing the content and style through comparing and contrasting.


In Groups, Advertise These!

In Groups, Advertise These!


Develop Your Own Lesson Plan for Year 7 and Gather Feedbacks Through Presentation!

In pairs, set yours for one of the followings:

  1. Greeting, Self-introduction, and introducing others
  2. Initiating-closing conversation, and leave-taking
  3. Giving direction
  4. Giving information through invitation
  5. Giving information through label
  6. Giving information through advertisement\
  7. Responding instruction/suggestion and
  8. Giving information through text, messenger and email \
  9. Descriptive text
  10. Recount text


Lesson Plan Checklist

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